Google Ads Training, Northern Ireland

About Your Google Ads Trainer

Louise McCartan Search Scientist 2013

Our Founder, Louise was a Google employee for over three years, working as an AdWords Strategist and AdWords Optimisation Trainer. She provided AdWords consultation and account optimisation for huge household name companies such as Peugeot, Maximuscle, ChemistDirect, Kwikfit, and many others.

For more than a year, Louise was Google Dublin’s AdWords Optimisation Trainer. She delivered training to all new Google AdWords Optimisation Specialists and also provided bespoke training sessions for Online Advertising Agencies (e.g. Bluesky Interactive), and direct clients.

Louise also specialised in AdWords Editor training and was the Google in-house AdWords Editor ‘Guru’. In 2009, Louise travelled to the Mountain View Google Headquarters in California and presented to the leading Optimisation Specialists from each Google office worldwide. She trained these Google staff up on Editor best practices, time saving methods and encouraged the general promotion of this offline account management tool. Her training was then brought home to each office across the globe and passed on to hundreds of others.

To become a trainer at Google one must first be an expert in their field, Louise’s being AdWords account optimisation. She then went through a lengthy process of receiving ‘Train the Trainer’ training, testing and many evaluations before let loose in front of a class of willing participants.

Check out reviews from attendees of Advanced PPC Workshops Louise delivered to approx 150 businesses.

Louise has developed the training sessions over many years of experience and has passed this on to her very capable in-house team of Google Ads Certified Professionals.

About The Google Ads Training

Search Scientist offers bespoke Google Ads Training Sessions to meet your needs, throughout Northern Ireland*

We can tailor our training to meet your level of expertise (from complete beginner to professional in need of direction). If you’d like to focus on one particular aspect of your Google Ads advertising, that’s fine. Alternatively, if you don’t even have an Google Ads account and would like help setting it up and learning how to manage it, we’d be happy to walk you through this. One on one training is available, as is training for groups up to 4 people. If you would like an Google Ads Training session to be delivered to a group larger than this, please contact us with more details and we’ll try our best to accommodate you.

They took on board our level of understanding and helped to build us up to a level that we had hoped to achieve all along. Helping us to develop our understanding of how we interface with our customers and potential customers. Explaining in simple terms how to adapt our approach to engaging our customers to ensure that we reach a greater audience.

Grant Flaxman, The New You Plan

Google Ads Training Practicalities

Training is available on your premises, or at our office in Belfast. Training is generally delivered in Belfast, and within Northern Ireland, however businesses outside of Northern Ireland may also be accommodated. It’s best to contact us directly and we’ll do our best to meet your needs.

We generally find that three hours is the optimal time for a training session. Any longer than this can be an information overload. We’ll give you plenty of actions to take away and the training will be tailored to you directly. Once you get through that, we can arrange any follow up training sessions as you wish.

Contact Us to Book your Google Ads Training Session

We look forward to hearing from you with regard to our Google Ads Training sessions. Contact