Google Ads Academy Livestream (March 2022) – Key Takeaways
There’s no doubt that privacy, consent and automation are hot topics at present, key in shaping the digital advertising landscape. Here we summarise the main takeaway points from today’s Google Ads Academy Livestream.

The foundation in preparation for the incoming data collection changes are threefold:
- Have the Global Site Tag on all pages of your site.
- Set up Enhanced Conversions.
- Implement Consent Mode.

See below for an example of how enhanced conversions can increase reported conversions and help automation.

This all goes hand in hand with Google Analytics 4, the gradual replacement for Universal Analytics. It’s the way forward. If you haven’t already, set up a new Google Analytics 4 property to start collecting data alongside your current Universal Analytics property. play around and get used to the new way of data collection and reporting.

Where possible, bid to value rather than counting leads. As data collection and automation improve there’s potential to use smart bidding for lifetime value (LTV) bidding .

Hope you find this helpful. Any questions, feel free to get in touch.
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