Top 100 UK Digital Agency Influencers

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Well, it’s always nice to get a pat on the back for what we do well. We work hard and really care about digital marketing. You can see this in our client testimonials – but on top of this it’s really pleasing to be recognised on a bigger scale, as an influencer in the UK Digital Agency sphere, and that’s what’s just happened.

Search Scientist in at Number 84 in UK Digital Agency Influences List

Search Scientist has been credited in the Top 100 UK Digital Agency Influencers! We’re in at number 84 across the whole UK and the only agency listed from Northern Ireland.


top 100uk digital agency influencers

This ranking takes social media engagement and activity into account and is an acknowledgement of the influence that each UK digital agency has online. Even more reason to follow Search Scientist on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Google Plus.

We look forward to climbing further, but pleased to see Search Scientist listed among the top agencies in the UK.

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