Tag Archives | Google

Google AdWords Vs Bing Ads

Most PPC users will be familiar with Google AdWords and used it as their main PPC advertising platform. Recently, there has been a growth in Bing Ads as an alternative platform, especially with recent introductions of a Shopping and Retargeting functionality. Ideally, the best option to remain competitive is to have the marketing budget to […]

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Premier Partner Awards

Google’s Premier Partner Awards: We’ve been shortlisted!

We are delighted to announce that we’ve been shortlisted by Google as one of the best AdWords Agencies IN THE WORLD at Growing Businesses Online! To celebrate the hard work of agencies who deliver consistently great digital marketing solutions, Google is hosting its first ever Google Partners’ global awards programme – the Premier Partner Awards. […]

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Using Google Tag Manager

In today’s world of E-Commerce, you have a wealth of data available to you about your customers and website users. Through Google AdWords and Google Analytics, there is very little that you cannot track once a user lands on your website. If you want even further details into the actions, you can use third party applications […]

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Google vs. Amazon

Google’s Market Dominance  For quite some time, Google has been leading search marketing with a considerable global market share. Recent statistics based on the last five years, January 2010 to January 2015, reveal that Google’s market share has remained above 87%. Further statistics highlight Google’s dominance amongst other search engines for the 12 months prior […]

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New Google Image Search Ads

Quickly following Google’s announcement last week of the Image Search Results page redesign, Google’s UX team have also va va voomed the ads that appear on these pages. There have been talks within Google for a long time about monetising the Image Search results pages. They first planted standard text ads directly above the image […]

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Google Invests in Farmville Creators | Zynga

Google invests in Farmville creators

Google is secretly investing in the massive social gaming company, Zynga Google is investing between $100m and $200m in social gaming market leader Zynga, paving the way for a ‘Google Games’ launch later this year. News of the investment was revealed today by digital media blog Tech Crunch, although a recent tweet from Zynga’s chief […]

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