Excuse my geekery, but this is exciting stuff!
The new version of Google Analytics allows you to see stats in real time. View people on your site as they arrive. See which page they’re on right now, stick with them as they move to other pages. See if they’re a new or returning visitor. See where they came from, what term they searched on and where in the world they’re based. I think this is all pretty amazing. Find out more below, including where to see all this within your Analytics account and what practical uses it may have.
Where to find the Real Time Stats in Google Analytics
1. Sign into your Google Analytics account here – www.google.com/analytics
2. If you’re not already defaulted into the new version of Analytics, then click on the ‘New Version’ link in the top right hand corner.
3. Select your Analytics profile (i.e. your website name)
4. You’ll default to arrive on the ‘Standard Reporting’ tab, click on the ‘Home’ tab beside it.
5. In the left navigation, click on ‘REAL-TIME (BETA)’ and Select ‘Overview’
That’s it! Browse around from there. This is what you’ll see…
Practical uses of Real Time Site Stats
1. Measure Immediate Social Media Impact
As soon as you post on your Facebook page, send out a Tweet, send out an email newsletter, or have a TV/radio ad air you’ll instantly see visitors to your site and can observe where they go, what they do and where they come from. Previously in Analytics you had to wait until the next day to really get feedback, but this is instant. From these stats you can choose how to interact further. As you see hype fizzle out and traffic die down from one Tweet, perhaps it’s time to send another?
2. Check that your Tracking is Working
Previously, if you added tracking, you’d to wait at least 24 hours to check that it’s working ok. Now you can find out in seconds if you’re getting the data you’ve just set up tracking for.
If you have any handy uses for real time, please share them below. Thanks.
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