Facebook Marketing for your Business

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world map of social networks December 2010

Everyone’s talking about Facebook, and no wonder! Facebook has approx 600 million users worldwide and is the number one social network in over 100 countries. It’s growing quickly too, with twice as many users now than last year.  200 million people actively use Facebook on their mobile phones, so have access to it at all times. It’s a seriously big player now when it comes to social relations and marketing for your business.

Things to bear in mind when considering Facebook Marketing for your business:

– It doesn’t work for all businesses.

– The more social and interactive your business is, the more likely it is to work.

– Facebook ads and pages for night clubs, bands, clothing stores etc are more likely to work than for B2B dealings.

– It costs more than you’d think. It takes time to make it work. Allow several hours per week

– To target demographically, think Facebook ads.

Do you use Facebook to Market your business? How effective is it?

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  1. World Map of Social Networks | danukasilva15 - January 9, 2013

    […] Source: https://www.searchscientist.co.uk/facebook-marketing-for-your-business.html […]

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