Call Only Ads – AdWords New Feature

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Google Reveal Call-Only Ads – New Feature!

AdWords Call-Only Ads are a new feature to AdWords, useful to advertisers interested in making their phone ring. These ads are specifically designed for mobile devices that can make phone calls. The only call-to-action in the ad is to call the business directly, this means that each click you pay for can be a phone call to your business. Each ad will display a phone number, display URL (for branding purposes only as it’s not clickable), two line business description and a call button. It is not possible for a customer to visit your website from the ad.

call-only ads

It is worth noting that click-to-call ads for mobile devices are not new to AdWords, previously the process of setting up this ad type was done by creating Call Extensions and setting it to show just the phone number. What has changed is the process of building click-to-call adverts.

Create A Call-Only Ad

To get started with creating an AdWords Call-only ad:

  • Login to your AdWords account
  • Select the relevant search network campaign
  • Click +AD select Call-only ad


  • Complete the options below to create your Call-Only ad:

3 By opting to use a Google call forwarding phone number, the performance of Call-only ads can be tracked and viewed as conversions within your AdWords account.  This will help your business identify if Call-only ads are working for you. With more users searching everyday using mobile devices to find the product or service they require, it is important that businesses tailor their campaigns to meet these changing behaviours and trends, especially if the sound of the phone ringing is more valuable to your business than website clicks. To find out how AdWords can help your target audience find your business online, email us on

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