Archive | facebook

Could your Business do Better on Facebook?

First let’s look at the latest Social Media Stats: At Search Scientist we’re always keeping up to date with the latest reports and stats. The WeAreSocial’s 2015 report on global changes in Social Media makes for some interesting reading that we thought was worth sharing. I’ve taken time to break this down, pick out the key points […]

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Facebook Experiment on Organic Reach

Will One Popular Facebook Post effect the Reach of Future Posts? Firstly everyone here at Search Scientist would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who took part in our Facebook experiment last week and for those who missed it, let’s recap. Many of you may be familiar with Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm update […]

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Free Facebook Ads Vouchers

I just came across this site which offers free Facebook Ad Coupons. May be worth a look if you’d like to test running a Facebook advertising campaign. I’ll apply for one now and let you know how it turns out. The site is Hope you find this helpful.

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Facebook Marketing for your Business

Everyone’s talking about Facebook, and no wonder! Facebook has approx 600 million users worldwide and is the number one social network in over 100 countries. It’s growing quickly too, with twice as many users now than last year.  200 million people actively use Facebook on their mobile phones, so have access to it at all […]

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Google Invests in Farmville Creators | Zynga

Google invests in Farmville creators

Google is secretly investing in the massive social gaming company, Zynga Google is investing between $100m and $200m in social gaming market leader Zynga, paving the way for a ‘Google Games’ launch later this year. News of the investment was revealed today by digital media blog Tech Crunch, although a recent tweet from Zynga’s chief […]

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Google Me

Google to launch ‘Google Me’ social network “very soon”

The evidence is mounting that Google intends to launch a social network to rival Facebook. Speculation on the subject began with Digg founder Kevin Rose when he used his Twitter account to declare that ‘Google Me’ is launching very soon, alluding to a “very credible source”. The tweet was later removed, but not before it made its way across […]

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